Why best friends make your life better

By Vatika

There is a secret language between a person and their best friend; a mix of eye contact, code words and conversations on multiple communication platforms.

Your best friend is like your found family, the person you choose to be around. But what is the reason that they are so important? Why is finding your person, and not just in the romantic sense, a key point to life?

You have different expectations with a friend than you do with a partner or family member. With a partner, there is a chance (big or small) that the relationship can end. With family, there are going to be times when you don’t see eye to eye and have to stick through it because of the nature of family. And while all of that exists with a friend, if they are a close friend, it is generally unlikely because of the different expectations you hold each other to. Your best friend is there as a shoulder to cry on if someone breaks up with you. Your best friend is there to support you when you might not have the greatest family life.

Loneliness is a silent epidemic these days and it is helpful to have someone in your corner who can make the lonely times seem few and far apart. You may not have 100% of the same interests, but this person will listen to you gush over your newest plant baby just like you would listen to them chat up a storm about the different types of paint. You get to be your authentic self, you feel comfortable and not embarrassed when you share your stories with this person. You can even pick up the phone and give them a simple call and they’ll answer; if not, then they’ll make sure to call you back when they can and let you know they are there for you.

Having a best friend also improves your health. According to Healthline, being able to share your thoughts and emotions with someone can greatly reduce your stress. Studies show that people who have a strong support system are able to cope with stress and lower the probability of other types of stress. Having someone to cheer you on can also increase your self-esteem and help you reach goals and build healthier habits by helping you persevere through changes. At the very least, having a listening ear to provide unconditional support are all benefits to your mental health when it comes to having a best friend.

This special person of yours could be anyone that you connect with and understands you and you are able to do the same. It is not a 50-50 split, or a give-and-take dynamic, where you keep a record. This is something that has to be understood between both of you. You shouldn’t take the other for granted, but you should be able to help each other to the best of your abilities. Should any issues arise, you know that you both will be able to talk it through and come out stronger than before.

If this person doesn’t yet exist in your life, it can be beneficial to somewhat immerse yourself in hobbies or interests that stimulate you positively. Maybe there is a book series you love and you join a book club or maybe you enjoy trying out interesting new recipes and you take some cooking classes. These may be ways you meet someone who can potentially turn into a close friend. However, let the friendship develop and grow gradually, at a pace that is suitable to both of you, allowing you to learn to trust this person if you can. If this friendship is meant to be part of your found family, then it will happen naturally.

Now, this isn’t a sign for you to go on a life-changing quest to find your best friend, but more so a nudge at the importance of communicating and appreciating those who are in your life. You cannot and should not force such a relationship to happen because it should not be co-dependent, and could lead to an unfortunate falling out. All of this works both ways.

Effort and interest should be cultivated so that the relationship is nurtured. Both of you should be reaching out to each other, making plans, checking in, listening to each other, asking each other questions or telling each other fun little anecdotes about mundane happenings. If you do have this special someone in your life, then hopefully you both can continue to make the friendship flourish. If you don’t yet have this relationship, then hopefully this person finds their way into your life soon so that you both can create memories to cherish.

Header photo by Trung Nguyen / Pexels

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